Classic Beauty

Model: Shara Barno

On one of the last days of 2015, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting up the beautiful Shara Barno (IG @sharabee) for a quick little test shoot in La Jolla.  You never know what is going to come from a test shoot, and its a truly magical thing when the images you create far exceed your expectations!  Shara and I instantly clicked which made the shoot both super fun and completely effortless at the same time.  

We decided to fight against the typical SoCal beach shoot vibe and go for a more classic beauty look. Shara really embodied both the look and the feel that we were going for, and managed to take both looks to the next level due to her poise and the overall timeless ora she brought to these shots.

She also brought a touch of old school glamour to the table with her wardrobe and her posing, and these influences actually prompted me to do something I rarely do, play with some edits in black and white!  I tend to always think in color but after getting into working on this set, I couldn't help myself!

At the end of the shoot, I absolutely couldn't let Shara leave without snapping a shot of her for That Portrait Project (IG @thatportraitproject).  Her freckles and gorgeous curly hair are just to perfect for the Portrait Project look!  I was inspired by her great look to really amp up my edit game on this portrait, and I have to admit I am in love with the way it turned out!

I am so glad I got the opportunity to work with Shara and I am so excited that we are already brainstorming for our next collaboration!  Be sure to go and check her out on her IG @sharabee and leave her some love!  And, as always, be sure to check back soon for my  next new blog post featuring some serious old Hollywood glamour!

